Lady of the Lake
I have always loved the story about the "Lady of the Lake"

Bee Friendly Cozumel
It gives me great pleasure to write this blog and show you these amazing photos we took on our expedition to the Bee Friendly Cozumel.

Cozumel's Swing Project
A while ago I had this memory from my child hood.It was about me swinging on a swing at my friends house in this beautiful area filled with

"Come to Cozumel"
WHHHHHY Come to Cozumel. Well here are a few reason why I can not leave this island.

What you see, What I see..
The art of photography is about seeing and showing the world through your imagination.

Cedral Homes
A friendship I never thought I would make here on the Island of Cozumel, Mexico.

Perla's beautiful Portraits
Mexico is filled with beautiful and talented women. Perla just happens to be one of them! She was born and raised in Cozumel, Mexico. And...

Owen & Brenda | Cozumel's Dream Wedding
At the heart of Cozumel on the 18th of November to souls said YES!