What you see, What I see..
The art of photography is about seeing and showing the world through your imagination.

Alejandra and Her Jose | Sunset Maternity Session
Nothing makes me more happier than shooting a beautiful sunset maternity session.

Mexico City
Mexico city is a City like no other. Filled with rich culture stating from the old to the new and it still manages to stay unique.

Cozumel's little Santa
After the blog "Pay it Forward" I had this great idea to do another one like it.

La Fatshionsta
Welcome to a world of plus size models.Where you will be amazed by their beauty and their confidence.

10 Years Anniversary
It is such a wonderful surprise to receive a message from a client that would like to do something fun for their 10 year anniversary.

Our Multi Nation Baby Maya
As most of you know, Mik 'n Drik Photography has a very young CEO. This our baby girl Maya.

Cozumel Love Birds
A beautiful couple from Oklahoma visits Cozumel.
And we have the pleasure to photograph them.

Double Mayan Wedding
On the 18th of April, Mik 'n Drik Photography got a chance to shoot a Double Mayan Ceremony