Dreams Awaken
"Why should your dreams stay dreams - Make them a reality and live the life you want"
Nadine Biezmienova

This is US
To take photos is important to us. But Family, Family is Everything! So here is our story... Oleksandr born and raised in Ukraine, he...

My Favorite time of Year - Easter
Easter is just around the corner and it has always been my favorite holiday. I have always surrounded myself with family and friends to...

A date with your best friend
As most of you might have seen I went to the hair dresser to do a complete redo of my covid hair mess. Well while walking up to Henry’...

The Wedding of your Dreams.
Ladies, no need to search anymore for your perfect wedding venue. I have found it and it's BEAUTIFUL! Before the COVID pandemic, We had...

The vintage in you.
This piece is very special to me. As many of might have noticed I am a vintage freak.
I love old things, the smell, the history, the story…

Lady of the Lake
I have always loved the story about the "Lady of the Lake"

Bee Friendly Cozumel
It gives me great pleasure to write this blog and show you these amazing photos we took on our expedition to the Bee Friendly Cozumel.

Leigh-Ann and her Adorable Family
So I met Leigh-Ann on a facebook group about three years ago. A group called House of Flynn, I remember she was looking to come visit the is

The Ultimate Competition
After watching a few “Ted talks”, I figured I should express an emotion I struggle with everyday. Something I think everybody goes through.