What you see, What I see..
The art of photography is about seeing and showing the world through your imagination.

Alejandra and Her Jose | Sunset Maternity Session
Nothing makes me more happier than shooting a beautiful sunset maternity session.

Cozumel's first ever Milk Bath Session
Have you ever seen these type of photo sessions before? They are milk bath maternity sessions and aren't they just beautiful?

Pay it Forward Maya
In case of you have not met Maya, She is the CEO of Mik 'n Drik Photography. And this is how she pays it forward.

Petra, Moshe and little Liam
The perfect way to escape from a hurricane in Miami. Is to travel to Cozumel and have a beautiful family photo session at The Westin Hotel.

Juevart @ Hotel B Cozumel,Mexico
Juevart @ Hotel B Cozumel,Mexico

Pin Up photo shoot in Cozumel
For our second photo session Maria wanted to do something never been done on the island.

10 Years Anniversary
It is such a wonderful surprise to receive a message from a client that would like to do something fun for their 10 year anniversary.

The Beautiful María José
You never know what you will find here on the island of Cozumel.
This time I found a beautiful soul named, María José

Our Multi Nation Baby Maya
As most of you know, Mik 'n Drik Photography has a very young CEO. This our baby girl Maya.