1950s Suburban Life/ Suburban Wife
I have always loved the suburban look and feel.
In movies like Pleasantville or even Edward Scissorshands.
It has always been painted as a beautiful way to have grown up, or a lifestyle to have one day.
The all American Dream.. Right!
So my question is.. Was it truly perfect, Was it ideal for us women?

Here is a little background to the how the suburban life started.
The housing projects started post war, when veterans would return home and needed to start a life with their families.
When the city life was crowded and the noise was too much for some; many wanted a peaceful, and a quieter lifestyle.
Something like 15 million men would look for this ideal dream in the country.
California and many other places saw the opportunity to mass produce homes for cheap.
And of course where there were homes, there will be traders, services, and many many grocery stores.
Here started a new era of the “American Dream-Suburban Life”
Where the men would go work in the office trying to provide the income and where the women were to cook, clean, and organize this ideal household. Some women would even have a part-time job to help provide, but that was in rare cases I believe.
You would think that this lifestyle would be pretty relax and easy for a women.
But truly it was not, the standard was high, and a women always needed to look her best, a clean and updated household with the newest appliances was indeed a must!
After reading and watching so many movies/documentaries about this ideal lifestyle I had in mind.
I became sadden with the thought that us women that no power to say or do what they really wanted to do.
“Slaves to the man of the house” As I would like to put it.
So many women had dreams to do much more with their lives, but did not have the strength/opportunity to leave.
But with all suppressions there will always be a release.
And I am so grateful for those we saw the opportunity to break free from this box that was design by men.
With some much creativity, knowledge and strength that each women have inside of them
We shouldn’t of been put in a box to cater the mans needs.
"Women were born to shape the world"
This project goes out to the many many women that decided that this “ideal lifestyle” was not for them.
That they wanted more in this life, and risked everything to follow their dreams.
Dreams are there to remind us what is not impossible !
Thank you Nicole for being the perfect model for this.
And a big thank you to Cozumel Beach House for allowing us to use this location.