Cozumel Love Birds
Last week Sasha and I travel to the South side of the Island to meet our couple that we were going to photograph for the day. It had been raining all week, and that day it was pretty overcast as well.
When we arrived at the Allegro Resort, We waited in the lobby which was to be our meeting point.
When our couple came around the corner, Our eyes glittered with pure joy.
This.. This was our models for our shoot today. Thank the stars and the heavens for sending them to Cozumel!
Meet Bridget and James from Oklahoma.
They have been married for 3 years, Just like us - And enjoy photo sessions, Just like us
They have been to Cozumel once before, but this time they wanted to have some pictures done, And we were the lucky ones to do it.

We started the shoot under some palm trees with the beautiful ocean as our background and the overcast weather making it the perfect setting. Both Bridget and James were so easy to pose. They understand everything we ask and smile while they were doing it. We couldn't have asked for more of a better couple.
We had an outfit change and few location change as well. Everything was going so smoothly.
A dream to photograph was a reality!
We enjoyed so much of this easy going, flawless photo session that it was done as soon as it started.
Bridget's hair was so beautiful during the whole photo shoot that it inspired me to be more creative in one of the photos.
And this was the end result.

To our beautiful couple Bridget & James, Thank you so much for being super Amazing!
We hope to photograph you guys one day again, Maybe in Oklahoma.