La Fatshionsta
Welcome to a world of plus size models.
Where you will be amazed by their beauty and their confidence.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by a blogger that goes by the name "La Fatshionsta"
Love it right, Well so did I.
I was immediately interested in who she was and where the plus size attitude of power came from. She told me that she and her friend, also a plus size model would be on vacation in Cozumel and would love to have shoot done.
My eyes, ears, heart all at once said, yes.
I was super excited, and as well super worried. The weather wasn't really great because of all the hurricanes running around our islands.

So we planned for the Sunday at the amazing Fiesta Americana Hotel and just hoped for the best.
Sunday came, and the sun was shinnnnning for us! Thank you Sun!
We started off in the local areas, by the trees, by the pool, some at the entrance.
Anywhere I saw something with shapes, or angles or that little of clean look we got.

My partner in crime - Sasha came along to do some promo videos of the girls.
What fun they had dancing in front of the camera!
Check out on our Youtube channel of the girls just having fun:

So after a few sessions on our sunny shine day - It was time to go home and run to the computer to edit these beautiful pictures.
Hope you all enjoyed them as much as we did.
And a special thanks to Fiesta Americana Hotel for letting us use your holiday!