Petra, Moshe and little Liam
The first time i meet petra was at a friends baby shower that i was covering. It was a very classy and elegant babyshower in a beautiful house in the corpus christi area. I remember enjoying this shower a lot because of the ladies having so much fun.

After this baby shower I recieved a lot of bookings from it, which of course i was extremely happy about. I didnt just recieved family bookings but from clients that have their own shops that need product photographs, clients that needed updated photos of their restaurant, some more birthday party events. My favorite was the following which was when Petra called to have their profile photos done.
Petra, and her family Moshe and Liam were planning to leave for Miami, to start a new adventure away from the island. Well not to far, but Miami and Cozumel is a 2 hour flight away.
We set up a date and before the packed up everyting we moved in for a session. We took our indoor studio and set it up out the outside balcony. After a few nice and professional posing. Liam, decided to join us for a bit of fun. We took such beautiful photos that day.

A few weeks later after that session Petra asked me to shoot their apartment. This was one of the best shoots i have done in the interior area. So much natural light and of course the way petra designed the interior. Everything came it life!
This year Petra, Moshe and Liam came to visit Cozumel to escape from the Hurricane that were hitting Miami. She contacted me for yet another photo session at the new The Westin Hotel. Super happy we were, we love to shoot at The Westin, and of course I love to shoot little Liam.
He is a character and that hair!!!

Before the rain came to hit us that day, We started in the hotel with a few ideas from Pinterest that Petra had in mind. Then we went to the pier and then to the beach. Liam was full of enegry and was actually helping us to make the session fun. I think i need to hire him for family sessions.

The rain came fast and we ran inside to have some drinks to finish the session, Thats a new way – We like it.
It was great to finally catch up and hear all the stories of Miami. We definitely missed them on the island and i am sure the island missed them.
To Petra, Moshe and little Liam, until we see you again. We love you !