Kristen & Kystrin

On a lovely thursday evening, there i was sitting and packing my equipment for a busy friday. Tomorrow we had two sessions scheduled with two new clients.
Just before I was done and ready. I received a message on our Mik n Drik facebook page.
Kristen and her girlfriend will be cruising to Cozumel tomorrow
They planned to have their photos done in Grand Cayman. But unfortunately it didn't work out, leaving them with their last day in Cozumel for a photo opportunity.

This was great news for us, but wait when will I shoot them?? Lol
So I managed to squeeze them in the afternoon for a session. Man it is going to be a busy day tomorrow.
Kirsten explained to me that she would like to surprise her girlfriend Kystrin with an proposal during the session.
Having done so many proposals during a photo sessions, I gave her some ideas or pointers that she could do.
I was so excited for Kristen and this session to happen already.

Tomorrow came, We started early with our other session. Until finally the time came to fetch the girls. We picked them up in the center of town. It was a wonderful meeting, very friend and fresh to meet new people. We went to the car and started our journey to our secret location. Oooollalaaala.
At this location in the North side during this time of day, was absolutely perfect. N
o people around, sun not to bright... Perfect!

The girls had so much fun while their hair was waving in the wind. With both of them having such beautiful long hair I had to call my assistant Sasha to control the situation. At the same time Sasha manage to film a video of Kristen and Kyrstin while managing the hair situation. Omg Mr Sasha, Great job!

We shot on the beach, the pier, the trees and even on the w
aves, before the waves pushed us over and covered us with water. Before the session was over. Kristen got down in one knee and proposed to Kystrin. We absolutely loved the reaction from Kystrin, She did not expect it. A group hug was in order and celebrated the moment with them.
This is why we do this!

After the excitement, We brushed the hair one more time and continued to head for downtown to finish the session. We took a few more pictures around the park.
And finally decided we were all hungry!!
Since Havana was right there, we headed there for lunch.
We had such a great time listening to stories from there home and hearing about their lives with their big cars. ;)
Living on an island you sometimes forget about simple things, like walmart and how it has everything you need. You can just go there once a month and find everything you need.
We finished lunch and dropped off the girls to Puerta Maya port.
When we said good bye, We honestly felt like we were saying good bye to old friends.
From knowing Krsiten and Kystrin for only a few hours, it felt like a life time.
Thank you for being so open with us
Thank you for being YOU.