Cozumel's little Santa
After the blog "Pay it Forward" I had this great idea to do another one like it.
But of course this time I could dress my little Maya in a Santa outfit and let her hand out presents to our neighbor hood friends.
We live up on the 70th ave where a mix of expacts and locals live in a close community.
We all greet and welcome each other each every day after a long hard day of work.
There is also a near by park that Maya goes to; in which we always meeting such interesting people.
We woke up early in the morning of the 25th, Maya... I mean Santa wasn't feeling well.
She had a bit of a couch and flu going on.
But that did not stop her from helping to wrap the presents up.

One by one we did them all. Now before we could go and give this to the people on her 'good list'. She needed to pick up some treats from K'ooben Laab.
Which is situated on Avenida 30 y calle 5.
K'ooben lab is one of little Santa's favorite take out on the island.
They have great tasty food and fresh healthy bread every day.
We contacted the owners Antonia and Mirko and asked if they would like to be apart of the little Santa project.
As most of you know Antonia and Mirko have huge hearts and of course said YES to us.

So we picked up our goodies at K'ooben Laab and and off we went to pay it forward.
We got little Santa dressed, even the she did not like the costume to much.
And we hit the streets.. Every person she saw she was so excited to gift something to them.
Presents and cookies were flying out Santa's shopping cart :)
As you can see by the photos, Maya worked hard and enjoyed every moment of it
She made us so proud!!

Thanks again to Maya for being such a great spot, For K'ooben Laab for sponsoring us the very tasty vanilla and chocolate cookies!
Merry Christmas Cozumel.
Have a blessed New Year!