"Come to Cozumel"
WHHHHHY Come to Cozumel.
Well here are a few reason why I can not leave this island. #1 It is a given that we have great beaches, blue ocean and the sunsets that are out of this world!
So for my first reason this would of course be GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY OPPORTUNITIES.
There are a few places here on the island that are just to die for AND that you will not find anywhere else in the world.
Example: K'ooban Laab- they have these amazing healthy dishes that leave your belly wanting more and more. Please let me not forget about their bread!
The bread is so popular that even the owners that make the bread go to other restaurants to eat their own bread! jajaja Photo from a wedding function K'ooban Laab recently catered for.

If drinking is your type of thing, Then you should definitely visit Agave Cocktail Bar.
All their drinks are hand crafted with love and tasteful ingredients leaving you begging for more. They pride themselves with using the authentic ways of making Mezcal cocktails.
For the KIDS
I am about to give birth to my second child here on the island.
My daughter is 2 years old and she has the best youth any child could possibly ask for.
Everyday she has the opportunity to play outside, at the beach, at any park, or even at certain day care places that are safe.
She is currently going to a school called Kindergym and of course in the beginning I had my doubts, but seeing how fast she has developed and how happy she is after school when she sings all her new songs.
I can proudly say that Cozumel is a great place to raise kids.
Event though I think safety should be number one the list, this is still very very important! I have been on the island for about 4 years and out of all the places I have lived in this world, Cozumel is the safest.
I can go out at 11pm with my 2 year daughter if she cant sleep, or walk to the shop by myself with my handbag in sight. It’s so safe you can even sit outside your house and read a newspaper.

Making FRIENDS easily.
It is so easy to make friends here on the island, there are so many people from different countries and so many different ages. You are bound to find a friend for a lifetime here.
I know because when I did come here, I knew about 1 person (and not only through social media), but by going to parks, to the beach, and of course our church.
I quickly made friends that I could now not live without.

The farty ARTY community.
Almost everybody on the island can make some type of art.
And it makes this island so special!
It's like an big Art School Island filled talented students and the great part is that the most of us support each other.
Instead of being in competition with each other we support,love and help one another like it should be.
Traffic - What TRAFFIC?
I think one of the best things about living on the island, is that there is hardly any traffic. It takes us 5 minutes to get almost everywhere, and it feels great!
Not like Miami or NY where your life is about routes and traffic and accidents..
Of course there is a bit of a bumper to bumper in the tourist area, mostly when they are returning to their cruise ship.

There are many of us on the island that care and love our home (earth) and we continue to find new ways to try and save it.
A huge shout out will be HazelHoy, A family that decided to take matters in their own hands and started their own recycling project.
Mik 'n Drik also decided to try and be more green and started the Photoganic awareness. It has started off with a blog about how to be more conscious things we can do to keep our earth cleaner.
See blog below - https://www.mikndrik.com/single-post/2018/06/06/Be-Photoganic

From paddle boarding to diving to ironman events to the annual carnival; this island does not stop with the quality of things to do. Every weekend you can find something to do.
This is one of my favorites things about Cozumel.
My family and I like to just go to random events and then be surprised at how much fun they can be.