Leigh-Ann and her Adorable Family
So I met Leigh-Ann on a facebook group about three years ago.
A group called House of Flynn, I remember she was looking to come visit the island with her husband and wanting to do a photo trade.

I jumped right in at the opportunity and message her to for a meet up.
She sounded so sweet over messenger, I just couldn't wait to meet her in person.
So when the time came for Leigh-Ann and her husband, Jeremy to come down to island.
We actually didn't get a chance to meet :(
Sadly. but thats what happens here on the island.
There is so much to do and to go.
Especially for divers like Leigh-Ann and Jeremy, that you run out of time.
One week is not enough for Cozumel,
Bare in mind for the future travelers ;)
We kept in contact over the months that passed and shared some fun stories about the photography world we both are in.
A few months had pass and I found out I was pregnant with my son Zlatan. A few weeks after that Leigh-Ann messaged me to tell me she was also pregnant.
I was so excited for her and of course even more excited for us.
Because we would become belly buddies..
For those of you who don't know what belly buddies are, it is just friends that are pregnant at the same time and that go through the wonderful experience together.
We would send each other pictures of our bellies, talk about what we been craving, anything and everything to help each other get through the pregnancy.
Our kids are born only a few months apart, Leigh-Ann had a beautiful little girl name Kennedy.
aka Bug

A few months ago Leigh-Ann message me inform me that they were coming to Cozumel.
She told me the dates and I freaked out because we were planning to be in Ukraine at that time.
Well lucky things did not work out for our trip to Ukraine, So I finally I was going to meet this beautiful family.
They arrive and We planned for a photo session around the island, to some of my favorite spots and hangs out.
Some places that little"bug bug" would enjoy too!
After about 2-3hours we finished our session in good weather and vibes.
We tried to visit one last place which Leigh and Jeremy asked about which was Palancar.
But unfortunately when we got there they were close and did not allow us to enter.
So we then made our last stop at Paradise Beach for a few sunset pictures.
It turned out to be amazing!! Thank you to the Page family for letting me steal you for the day.
It was so wonderful to get to know all of you in person. Especially little bug!
We love you !
Until we meet again..