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A dream come True - Edward James Garden

8 years I waited to visit this place and it was more than what I expect.

Words can not express the how beautiful this place truly is!!!

The session was most important to me, for this journey we call life. 

I prayed so long to see this place, I waited and waited and finally God answered my prayer.

We had a small time in August to make the trip and we did it! We brought the flights the night before, Thinking everything will be fine. We are well-experienced travelers right.

Well, Sasha was so stressed the night before we left, He didn't realize that going to San Luis Potosí to Las Pozas would be a 5 hour drive. And we honestly thought that the roads were bad, we heard many humors that there is drug stops on the road etc.

But once we rent a car and stay one night in San Luis, his, our anxiety started to calm down

The town hasn’t got much, but food wise. It has everything!

The next day we hit the road, thinking… This is going to be a loooooong road trip.

To our surprise, It was the easiest straight road ever. Time went by so fast, and We enjoyed the road trip so much.

Once in Las Pozas, Gosh my heart, oh my heart. I felt like I was home.

The view, The smell, The everything. It just felt familiar.

Perhaps I dreamt about this place so much that it became a part of me.

Sasha booked the coolest location. We stayed at Posada el Castillo, And it was the best choice honestly 

Because the lady that owns it, Her grandfather help build the infrastructure of the garden.

We had an amazing time talking to her, hearing stories, the hotel has historic artifacts and paintings, everything with regards to Edward James garden.

We were just so impressed with the pricing of things, the food, and just the many hidden gems all around.

The people.. Just super friendly, helpful, kind, We literally made friends everywhere.

The owner even helped us book the garden tour with the photo option. Since she is well connected of course.

Finally the day came for us to visit the garden of Edward James.

My dream was upon us..

I kept thinking that I might not make it to the garden, that something might happen. My nerves were killing me.

It was suppose to rain the day we went, and the rain stayed clear until the very end.

Literally when we walked out the gates, it just poured down! God said your dream is complete, now go home. Haha!

Once I was in.. My heart just melted.

It was everything I dreamed of, and more

Photos, videos, instagram photos even, There is no compassion.

You can not capture what is truly there.

So Why green..

Honestly I do not like the color green, but it loves me.

Green is a positive color. Evokes feelings like revival, freshness, vitality and peace due to its connection to nature.

My life this year, I have been in the search for more Peace. I want a silent mind, a calm breathe, and the only person that can help you find that is my loving father. God.

What does green mean in love?

"In love and relationships, green can mean harmony, unconditional love, and mutual respect," 

I could not have done this without my partner. He has known about this dream of mine to visit Edward James garden for years.

He didn’t see the logistics of traveling there from Cozumel to Las Pozas as an easy task. But we really took the chance.. and we did.

A true “bucket list” completely with all the love and heart into it.

I leave you with a bible quote that found my soul recently and I can see this over and over with my life recently.

Deuteronomy 30:3 

3 God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you; he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. 5 and bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed.

Here is the link for the Garden and the place we stayed:

I hope one day you will get the chance to visit this beautiful place!



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