Dia de Muertos
Every year the team gets together to do something artistic for this extraordinary event in the Mexican culture.

As you might know, it is a momentous day. A Mexican holiday where families welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink, and celebration.
It is traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality.
We respectfully wanted to do something new with a more meaningful story this year.
We asked our excellent friend and model Carina to shoot her with her beautiful horses.
We have all our recent years lost someone we loved dearly, and it is through photo sessions like these that we can embrace and remember them more lovingly.

We contacted our good friend and makeup artist Catalina and asked her to do a light and soft type of "Dia de Muertos" makeup since the whole concept needed to be more on the light side.
We went first to the studio at Buccanos, where we sat down for about an hour and a half to do the makeup.
We had the idea to use one of the new Flying Dresses that we have in the studio since it was red and would suit the theme.
The headpiece and the fan were made by Nadine that day. We needed ax extra touch with the outfit, and in the end, it all pulled together nicely.
After the outfit was set, we headed to the ranch to see our beautiful horse model for the day.
She was Gorgeous! The artist, Melhor, painted her so nicely. She was ready!!! Charro Marcos also greeted us. A very well know horse trainer here on the island.
A charming human with a massive heart for horses. It was such an honor to be surrounded by so many talented people.
The session was fantastic; we took photos in front of the beautiful front gate of the house on the ranch. And then, of course, we tried to have a more green background to fit the theme.
It was hot, with no sunlight this day, but we got the photos we were looking for.
Chulo, our horse, was shy, but she did everything we asked her to do with much attention and love. She is truly a kind spirit.
It started getting dark then, but we managed a few more pictures with our models
Carina decided to get the sprinkler and have some fun in the "rain", Those are some of our favorites too!!
FLYING DRESS: https://www.instagram.com/flying_dress_cozumel_/

Thank you so much for supporting and being apart of our Team adventures.
We had such a wonderful time doing this project. And of course excited for more to come.
Follow for more Behind the Scenes and other unique project:

** I will add one and final note to this blog. This session is in all respect to the Mexican tradition of the Dia de Muertos. The model and the horse has had a loved one taken away from them in a recent time. This was one way for them to connect.
There has been no disrespect here and always a complete love for this tradition.
Please reach out if you have questions about the Dia de Muertos.