The vintage in you.
This piece is very special to me. As many of might have noticed I am a vintage freak.
I love old things, the smell, the history, the story… the story!
Back in South Africa and Ukraine, you can find so many antique stores filled with old things, from so many different periods of time.
And you can find them almost everywhere, it is like a treasure hunt when you step in an antique store.
Here on the island you do not find much of that, you would have to go to Merida. (Which I did once and found some amazing things)
My love and feelings towards old things, perhaps starts when I use to play with my grandma’s dresses, and earring, her old books, her old china.
I remember she had an old camera I use to play with as well, I think that is where it originally started.
So when my good friend Brittany showed me this beautiful vintage vest from her grandmother.
I fell in love. I could actually smell the leather from the photo.
Brittany informed me that her grandmother, Ava got this vest in a shop in their area and it is made in Mexico!
It is most likely from the 60s more or less. She kept it for all these years and now her granddaughter gets to have it
How precious is that? It is someone’s memories passed to another to make more memories.
And with that in mind I had a plan..
Since she was going to be visiting the island soon, I asked if we could do something special with it.
Brittany, is just like me, she is photo crazy. So of course said yes to the photo idea.
Since Brittany is from Texas, I had this idea to do a cowgirl.
We contacted Abgail to help with the organizing of the horse.
She is always amazing when it comes to helping us out with a horse model.
We also planned to visited and shoot at Cedral, because of the environment is old and historical. It would be the perfect fit for the session.
Since we are trying to do a more vintage vibe to it.
The session went out great, Brittany is such a great model. Always smiling, and always having fun while we tell her what to do.
And visiting old Cedral is always a highlight for me. It is my favorite place on the island!
As we finished the session, I really started to think about this thought again.
Our personal items should always be passed down to the next generation, and the next and then next
That way we can get to know our history, our roots and where we came from.
Thanks to everyone that was apart of this project.
And a special thank you to Ava, if it wasn't for her, I do not think we would've even thought of this photo concept.
Photos of Ava from the 80s with the vest.
and little Brittany when she was younger on a horse.
