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We are in a new era - Embrace it.

2020 is the year for change as we all might have figured that by now.

It is the year to start adapting to our new environment, for trying new things and explore things we have not yet explored before.

This new world we are in, involves so many cultures combining and coming together.

Our family is three nationality family, that pride ourselves in all three cultures.

I, (Nadine) was born in South Africa and my husband was born in Ukraine, We have two kids that were born in Mexico. And so we teach them everything from the language, to the food, to the history, of each country.

Since we are living in Mexico currently, Our main focus now is to teach them everything about Mexico.

With utmost respect, I found myself doing this through a “Traditional Mariachi” photo session.

If you do not know already what a mariachi is.

A mariachi is genre of Mexican music that started in the18th century in the western part of Mexico

The group consists of as many as 8 violins, 2 trumpets and at least one guitar, this includes an acoustic bass guitar called Guitarrón. All the players take turns singing lend and course with backup vocals.

It is a true Mexican experience to witness this beautiful tradition being played.

You can read more here --->

A mariachi wear a tradition uniform which is a three-piece suit, boots, and usually custom embroidered ties, belts, and buttons. No mariachi outfit is complete without the extremely wide-brimmed sombrero.

A very stereotype image that has played over and over in cartoons, movies and many more.

There are so many culture “uniforms” that people have wore in the past and of course some still wear them today. Some cultures have restrictions and feel the need to protect it.

Yes, by all means protect it, but protect it from the right people.

There are people like me that want to embrace and celebrate it.

I love Mexico.

I love the culture, I love the people, I love the land.

I love that fact my kids are Mexican and this is something they should always be proud of!

This is a great country, and should be shown to the world of its beautiful culture.

I had this photo session idea for some time now, and during this lockdown period I had the opportunity to complete it and now the opportunity to post it.

And what better day than Mexican Independence Day.

I love how my daughter, Maya embraces all cultures and loves to learn everything she truly is interested in. She only 4 and speaks 3 languages, Spanish, English and Russian.

We hope to learn her learn two more by age 5 (Ukrainian and Afrikaans)

It is important to teach our children from this era, what their background is, what their heritage is.

As we move place to place and travel around the world and settle into different places we do loose apart of those roots. You will loose apart of you, because your surroundings are different.

But.. I promise you that you will experience far more exciting things in some other cultures and you learn so many new things.

(This blog is a personal experience that I have had, Please do not feel offended.

I have the utmost respect for my country, my husbands country and the kids. All of these fine little details make us the family that we are and it is so important to me.)


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